Rules and regulations for all entrepreneurs
Do your activities pose a risk to protected nature areas, such as a Natura 2000 area? You may need an environment and planning permit. You must also prevent or repair any damage as much as possible....
The information in this article may change after 1 January 2024 Some of the information on this page may change after the Environment and Planning Act comes into effect on 1 January 2024. It will be...
Do you want to display something in front of your business premises? In some municipalities, you must apply for a display permit. You may need a permit to display, for example: planters or flowerpots...
How to apply for a terrace permit It depends on your municipality if you need a terrace permit. In some municipalities you may add a terrace without a permit if you meet specific criteria, such as...
For most activities in the physical environment (in Dutch), you must make a notification or apply for an environment and planning permit. For example, you apply for an environment and planning permit...
Do you want to build a manure basin or have it built? And do you plan to store manure? Then you must comply with the rules to prevent soil pollution. You may also need to apply for an environment and...
Will you carry out work that could harm (protected) plants and animals? If so, you may need an environment and planning permit. If you work according to an approved code of conduct, you do not need to...
Have you suffered damage due to an environment and planning permit for an earth removal or excavation activity? If so, you may be eligible for compensation for loss or claim damages. Compensation for...
Do you carry out demolition activities that result in more than 10 m3 demolition waste? Or do you plan to remove asbestos? Then you must submit a demolition notification through the online service...
There are 2 types of environment and planning permits for building: an environment and planning permit for a technical building activity. For instance a building’s safety, sustainability, and use an...
Do the permit check Visit the online service counter Omgevingsloket (in Dutch) to find out if you need an environment and planning permit. Or if you need to file a notification about your plans. Use...
Excavation means work where you change something in the elevation of the terrain. Or whereby you lower the bottom of a body of water. For example, to: build roads or dig foundation pits extract raw...
Do you want to cut down, move, or drastically prune 1 or more trees? And do you want to do this within your municipality’s built-up area? Then in some cases you must apply for an environment and...
Do you have business premises in the Netherlands and do you want to install an alarm system in those premises? You will usually need an environment and planning permit (omgevingsvergunning). Do the...
Do you want to temporarily place an object on a public road, the sidewalk, or parking space? In most municipalities you will need an environment and planning permit (omgevingsvergunning). The rules...
Do you want to cut down trees or standing timber such as shrubs, bushes, and hedges outside the built-up area? Then you usually need to file a felling notification online via the Omgevingsloket...
As the owner of a building, you must ensure that a fire does not start. This is fire prevention. The rules on fire safety are set out in the Decree on construction works in the living environment...
Rules for health and safety of visitors To ensure the safety of visitors, you must follow the rules on, for example: first aid equipment signs showing the depth of the water materials used supervision...
Do you want to set up a soil management business in the Netherlands? For instance a laboratory, consultancy, contractor, or soil treatment plant? Then you will need a certificate and official...
Do you run a catering establishment? And does the establishment require a licence under the Alcohol Act (Alcoholwet)? Then you must meet the requirements on layout and construction. These requirements...
You are required to prevent the formation of Legionella if you operate a publicly accessible pool such as: swimming pool swimming pool in, for example, hotels, saunas, and camping sites medical...
Do you want to open a public swimming pool? Or do you intend to remodel, renovate, or expand an existing public swimming pool? Then you must notify and apply for an environment and planning permit in...
Do you want to carry out commercial activities or organise an event in a recreational area? Then you may need to apply for a permit or an exemption. Permits from recreation board In the Netherlands...
What is Legionella? Legionella is a bacterium that can cause an infection of the airways called legionellosis, or Legionnaires’ disease. Legionella bacteria may grow in water with a temperature...
Property division Do you wish to divide your house or building into several apartments and let or sell them? Ask your municipality if you are allowed to divide the property into several apartments....
Soil remediation Are you going to remediate the soil? For example, because you want to build on contaminated land and you are therefore obliged to remediate the soil. Or you want to voluntarily...
Are you going to build, renovate, or demolish? If so, you must comply with the rules in the Decree on construction works in the living environment (Besluit bouwwerken leefomgeving, Bbl). And with the...
Do you have playground or amusement equipment on your premises, or do you rent it out? Playground and amusement equipment must comply with the safety requirements of the Amusement and Playground...
Do you have a construction and demolition business? In most cases you must appoint a Safety Coordinator Immediate Surroundings (Veiligheidscoördinator Directe Omgeving) for construction and demolition...
Do you store hazardous substances? For example, working stock is stored at or near the workplace, or waste or these substances are stored in the warehouse. You must ensure that employees, the...
Do you work with explosives? You must keep to strict rules. The Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate (ILT) checks whether companies and citizens follow the rules with regard to working with...
Do you want to supply gas or electricity to low-volume (small) users? You have to comply with the rules as laid out in the Electricity Act and the Gas Act. The Authority for Consumers and Markets...
Does your company or organisation have a location that uses large amounts of energy? This means an annual energy consumption of more than 50,000 kWh of electricity or 25,000 m3 of gas or the...
Do you transport dangerous goods by road in the Netherlands, such as explosives, toxins, or carcinogens? You must meet a number of international safety regulations, for example the Carriage of...
Do you need to control pests and weeds? If you use pesticides such as plant protection products and biocides, you may need a licence or a permit. Which pesticides are there? There are various kinds of...
What is in the environment plan? Every municipality has 1 environment plan (omgevingsplan) that incorporates the rules from the zoning plans (bestemmingsplannen), the General Municipal By-law...