Energy price cap for low-volume users 2023 subsidy (CEK23)

Published by:
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO
< 1 min read
Nederlandse versie
Please note: closed

Are you a supplier of gas, electricity, or heat to low-volume users? You can apply for the Energy price cap for low-volume users 2023 subsidy (CEK23) (subsidieregeling bekostiging plafond energietarieven kleingebruikers 2023, CEK23). This subsidy helps you to reduce the energy costs of your customers.

Who can apply?

You can apply for CEK23 if you meet the conditions, for instance:

  • For gas and electricity suppliers: you supply small consumers listed in the Central Grid Connection Register (Centraal Aansluitingenregister, C-AR).
  • For heat suppliers: you are a heat supplier under the Heat Act.
  • You are a listed supplier with access to this scheme.
  • You must use the full subsidy for the price cap. 100% of the subsidy must go to your customers and you must reduce their advance payment.

You can read all conditions for gas and electricity suppliers (in Dutch) and all conditions for heat suppliers(in Dutch) at the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO).

How to apply?

  • Applications for the CEK23 for gas and electricity suppliers are closed. Did you apply for CEK23? You then need to apply for individual advance payments between the 1st and 15th of each month for the following month .
  • Applications for the CEK23 for heat suppliers are closed. Did you apply for CEK23? You will receive advance payments each quarter.

Questions relating to this article?

Please contact theNetherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO