Group Assistent Childcare Subsidy Scheme
Do you run a childcare centre? Under the Group Assistent Childcare Subsidy Scheme you may be able to get a contribution towards a group assistent's wage costs.
This subsidy is only available for childcare organisation holders, and not for childminders (gastouders) or childminder agencies. The amount of subsidy you receive depends on your group assistent’s contract hours and the total number of subsidy applications. The subsidy’s maximum amount is €10,056.
What are the conditions for the Childcare Group Assistent Subsidy Scheme?
You can apply for subsidy for up to 2 group helpers for each subsidy application period. The conditions (in Dutch) are:
- The group assistent is or has been employed by you for at least 12 months.
- The group assistent’s employment contract’s starting date is 1 August 2023 or later.
- The group assistent has not previously been granted subsidy under this scheme.
- You do not receive subsidy for the group assistent's wage costs under another scheme.
- You have received subsidy for this group assistent via the Subsidy Scheme for practice-based learning or the Subsidy scheme for practice-based learning third learning pathway.
- The group assistent is or was in vocational education in the third learning pathway (mbo derde leerweg). Or the group assistent completed a practical apprenticeship. The group assistent started intermediate vocational education - work-based learning pathway (bbl ) or the third learning pathway (derde leerweg ) between 1 August 2023 and 31 October 2026.
How to apply
Owners of childcare organisations can apply for the Group Assistent Childcare Subsidy Scheme (in Dutch) to the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO). There are 3 application periods:
- from 4 November 2024, 09:00 hours to 29 November 2024, 17:00 hours;
- from 3 November 2025, 09:00 hours to 28 November 2025, 17:00 hours;
- from 2 November 2026, 09:00 hours to 27 November 2026, 17:00 hours.
External links
Questions relating to this article?
Please contact the Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO