IT, media, and communication

Published by:
Statistics Netherlands, CBS
Statistics Netherlands, CBS

Are you looking for statistical information on IT, media and communication? In this factsheet you will find the most important figures and trends in IT.

Number of businesses

Total number of businesses in IT, media and communication

Total number of businesses in IT, media and communication

This chart shows the total number of businesses in IT, media, and communication.

Number of new businesses

Number of new businesses

This chart shows the number of starting businesses in IT, media, and communication.

Turnover and operating result

Operating result IT, media and communication

Operating result IT, media and communication

Operating result is equal to operating income minus operating expenses.

Turnover development

Turnover development

This chart shows quarterly revenue trends in IT, media, and communication

Employment and vacancies

Job vacancies in industry

Job vacancies in industry

This chart shows the number of job vacancies per quarter.