About us

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3 min read

Business.gov.nl is the Point of Single Contact (PSC) for resident and foreign entrepreneurs who want to establish a business or do business with the Netherlands. Business.gov.nl collaborates with several Dutch governmental and semi-governmental organisations to provide information about laws, rules and regulations, subsidies and more.

For specific information, e.g. procedures and applications, we refer you to our partners. Together we offer a single unified answer from the Dutch public sector about doing business in the Netherlands.

The obligation to disclose information through one portal that is easily accessible to EU citizens and entrepreneurs is laid down in the Services Act. The website was launched in August 2017 and is an initiative of the Ministry of Economic Affairs (EZ) and the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations (BZK).

Single Digital Gateway websites

Business.gov.nl and its Dutch counterpart Ondernemersplein are the Dutch Point of Single Contact websites: business portals that are part of the EU ambition to improve the internal market via a Single Digital Gateway (SDG). As a PSC, Business.gov.nl offers EU citizens centralised access to business information, procedures and assistance in the Netherlands in a non-discriminatory way. All PSCs together form the EUGO network. See the European Commission website for more information about the PSCs and the EUGO network.


On our partners page you can find several other governmental and non-governmental organisations that may help you find your way around the Dutch business landscape. For questions or remarks on the content, please contact our partners via the contact page.

Open data

The information on Business.gov.nl is accessible to everyone. We make use of open data. You can find all our contents by using our open data facility, the search engine.

See what Business.gov.nl can do for you

Watch this one-minute animated video to see what Business.gov.nl has to offer. You can also follow Business.gov.nl on X (was Twitter), YouTube and LinkedIn.

We value your feedback

When you are browsing our website, you will see a star-rating tool at the bottom of each article, asking you to comment on your experience. If you have the time, please let us know what you think. We value your feedback highly, and use it to improve our website wherever possible. This has enabled us to maintain a high level of user satisfaction: over 85% of the feedback we receive is positive feedback. Most of the feedback we receive is dealt with immediately by the content editors of Business.gov.nl. We also send feedback to the European Commission (EC): the feedback we gather on pages marked as ‘Your Europe Single Digital Gateway’ content. This enables the EC to keep an eye on the user-friendliness of the Dutch pages on the Your Europe portal.

Feedback and your privacy

The purpose of the feedback tool is to find out how we may improve your user experience on Business.gov.nl. It is in no way our intention to gather your personal information. Under the stipulations of the GDPR, we are not allowed to store the feedback data if it contains any personal data. We will directly delete any personal data given by you, such as addresses and email addresses. For more information on how we deal with personal data, read our Privacy statement. Please do not use the feedback tool for asking us questions to which you want to receive a personal reply. If you want to receive a personal reply to your question, please go to our Contact page. Here you can find the organisation that can answer your question. Or write to our mailbox: editor@business.gov.nl.