
Published by:
Statistics Netherlands, CBS
Statistics Netherlands, CBS

Are you looking for statistical information on industry? In this factsheet, you will find the key figures and trends on the industry. The industry includes food industry, tobacco industry, textile industry and metal products industry.

Businesses and bankruptcies

Number of businesses

Number of businesses

This chart shows the number of businesses in industry.

Number of industry bankruptcies

Number of industry bankruptcies

With a dip in the second quarter of 2021, the number of bankruptcies has been rising again since then.

Turnover and operating result

Net turnover industry

Net turnover industry

This chart shows turnover per year in industry. Quarterly figures are available at (in Dutch)

Profit and loss account industry

Profit and loss account industry

This table shows revenue, operating costs and operating results in the industry. For a breakdown at 2 digit level, please visit

Confidence and vacancies

Producer confidence industry

Producer confidence industry

Producer confidence in manufacturing has passed the low point in August but remains low.

Job vacancies in industry

Job vacancies in industry

This chart shows the number of job vacancies per quarter.