About CBS, Statistics Netherlands

Published by:
Statistics Netherlands, CBS
Statistics Netherlands, CBS
< 1 min read

Statistics Netherlands is one of the main partners of Business.gov.nl. It provides statistics on diverse business topics, such as the number of starting and ending businesses, or the number of underage entrepreneurs; it also offers information about pricing, using a pricing index, and the quarterly Business Survey COEN.

The mission of Statistics Netherlands (Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek, CBS) is to publish reliable and coherent statistical information which responds to the needs of Dutch society. The responsibility of CBS is twofold: firstly, to compile (official) national statistics and secondly to compile European (community) statistics. The information published by CBS deals with subjects directly affecting the lives of Dutch citizens. These include economic growth, consumer prices, crime but also leisure. CBS makes results accessible to the public through various channels, such as the CBS website and StatLine databank. CBS is an autonomous administrative body. This means that CBS performs public service tasks, but operates independently and not under the direct authority of a Dutch ministry. The Minister of Economic Affairs is politically responsible for relevant legislation, budget and conditions. CBS is financed from the state budget.

Statistics Netherlands is a partner of Business.gov.nl and provides statistics on many subjects, as well as:

Business Survey COEN

Using a pricing index

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