Checklist transferring an agricultural business

Published by:
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO
Netherlands Chamber of Commerce, KVK
Netherlands Chamber of Commerce, KVK

Is the ownership or legal structure of your agricultural company changing? Inform the Netherlands Chamber of Commerce KVK and the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) of this change. This is called an agricultural business transfer. On this page, you can read which steps you need to take to transfer an agricultural company.

1. Report the changes to KVK

The steps you need to take will depend on the situation. Will you take over the company, or are you transferring the company? Or are you changing the legal structure of the company? KVK explains what to do in each situation. Once the change is processed in the Business Register, KVK will give the company a new KVK number.

View ‘the 7 most common situations’ when taking over or transferring a company (at the bottom of the article). And see report your change on

2. Apply for a new eHerkenning

Arrange a new eHerkenning with level 2+ or 3. You can find all suppliers on Do not forget to cancel your old eHerkenning if you no longer need it.

Read more about applying for eHerkenning.

3. Arrange a new relation number and TAN codes with RVO

You need a new RVO relation number. To do this, log onto with your new KVK number and your new eHerkenning. At the top of the page, click on ‘Inloggen’ on RVO will then register your data.

You can also point out here that you want to use TAN codes via sms-tan. You need a TAN code to sign your applications with RVO. Read what you need to do (in Dutch) if you want to digitally sign agricultural schemes on the RVO website.

Read more about your agricultural registration (in Dutch) at

4. Arrange an authorisation for RVO

You can authorise (machtigen) yourself on behalf of your old company. Arrange an authorisation with RVO for the deregistered KVK number. This way you can update details for 1 year and view the old file for 5 years.

Read more about authorising someone or being authorised (in Dutch) on

5. Report the transfer or termination of the agricultural business to RVO

Is your authorisation with RVO active? Then report the change in the company to RVO. You have 30 days for this after KVK has removed the old KVK number from the Business Register. You report the change using the form Melding overdracht of beëindiging agrarisch bedrijf (in Dutch) on There you can read which steps to follow. RVO will process your change within 5 weeks.

6. Report the change to RVO and your I&R partners

Do you have identification and registration (I&R) reports made through your management program? Then request a new user code and password from RVO. Please contact (in Dutch) RVO by telephone to arrange this. Then you must enter this new data into the management program. Your software supplier can help you with this.

7. ANLb subsidy: report the change to the collective

Did you transfer your Agricultural Nature and Landscape Management (Agrarisch Natuur- en Landschapsbeheer, ANLb, in Dutch) in step 5? And have you applied for an ANLb subsidy from a collective? This is a collaboration of farmers and other managers of agricultural land. Then report the change there as well.

8. Report the change for other subsidies

Have you applied for other subsidy schemes that step 5 does not list? For example, the SDE or SEPP (in Dutch) subsidy? You must also pass on your new details to RVO for this purpose.

9. Arrange new authorisations with RVO

Did you authorise people to act on your behalf that used the old relation number at RVO? Re-authorise the appropriate people on behalf of the new company. If you saved your authorisations in step 4, you can use them now. Read more about authorising someone or being authorised (in Dutch) on

10. Pass on new information to customers, suppliers, and carriers

Pass on your new KVK number and relation number at RVO to your customers, suppliers, and carriers. They must use your new data.

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Questions relating to this article?

Please contact the Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO