Applying for corporate and information phone numbers

Published by:
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO

As a business, you have different options when choosing a phone number. Read what telephone numbers there are and how to apply for and use them.

085 number: not tied to a region

Do you not want to have a regional area code or give customers a mobile phone number? Then you can opt for a 085 number. This number is not bound to a region. The costs for your customers are the same as with a regional area code. You can also be reached by people abroad.

Applying for a 085 number

You request a 085 number from a telephone provider. You can often request 1 or more numbers. The cost of a 085 number varies per provider.

Corporate numbers (088)

Do you have various branches in the Netherlands? And do you prefer not to use different regional dialling codes for your various branches? With 088 numbers, you have a number with the same first 3 digits (088) for all your branches and employees. Callers from abroad can also reach you on these numbers.

Applying for a 088 number

You apply for a 088 number (in Dutch) from the Authority Consumer & Market (ACM). ACM issues the numbers in a block of at least 100 telephone numbers. You can use the business numbers for fixed and mobile telephony.

A KVK registration is mandatory

You can only apply for a 088 number block for your own organisation. To apply, your organisation must be registered with KVK.

Costs 088 number

For a 088 number block you pay a one-off fee and an annual fee (in Dutch). ACM adjusts the amounts annually.

Free information numbers (0800)

0800 numbers are used to offer information or services free of charge. Consumers pay nothing when they call a free 0800 information number, you bear the costs of the calls. You can apply for either a short (8 digits) or a long (11 digits) information number (in Dutch). 0800 numbers cannot be dialled from other countries.

Applying for a 0800 number

You apply for a 0800 information number (in Dutch) from ACM. You can request a number for your own company or for another company. You can also request the number if you are registered in a foreign business register.

Rules for a 0800 number

  • You must use a free information number within 6 months of receiving it.
  • Calls to 0800 numbers are always free for the caller. You pay the caller's call charges.
  • You may let another organisation use your 0800 number. But you remain the number holder and therefore responsible for its use.

Paid information numbers (0900, 0906, 0909)

You can also apply for a paid information number (090x number). The caller then pays for getting information. There are different 090x numbers:

  • 0900 numbers are intended for providers of serious information, such as a corporate helpdesk
  • 0909 numbers are intended for entertainment purposes
  • 0906 numbers are for erotic services.

090x numbers cannot be dialled from other countries.

Rules for 0900 and 090x charges

The following rules apply to rates for paid information numbers (in Dutch).

  • For 09x numbers the caller pays the regular call charges plus charges for the information or service your provide. For the information or services you can charge what you like per minute or per call, as long as you state clearly what the charges are.
  • You can offer your information or services free of charge. The caller then pays only the normal call charges. Maximum rates apply in some situations.
  • Do you use a 090x number as a customer service number? Then you are not allowed to charge money for the information you provide. The caller only pays the normal call charges.
  • You must ensure in all situations (land line and mobile) that the caller hears the rates in advance. You must state the information rate and traffic rate separately. If you charge a call set-up rate, you must state this separately as well.

Call forwarding

There are strict rules against misleading information numbers and call forwarding services. Call forwarding to free 0800 telephone numbers is prohibited.

Costs for information numbers

For an information number, you pay a one-off fee if ACM approves your application. You also pay an annual amount per number. A short information number is more expensive than a long information number. ACM adjusts the amounts annually. See the costs that apply to information numbers (in Dutch) this year on

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Please contact the Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO