Zootechnical certificate and pedigree book

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Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO

Do you run a breeding operation or a breed society? You must be able to prove that your animals are purebred (pedigree) and that they are in a pedigree book. This proof is called a zootechnical certificate.

Do you run a breeding operation or a breed society and do you want to issue zootechnical certificates? You must be a recognised breeding organisation to issue these certificates.

What is a zootechnical certificate?

A zootechnical certificate is proof that:

  • an animal or its germinal product (such as semen, germ cells, or embryos) is purebred
  • an animal is entered in a pedigree book when they enter the EU or are traded in within the EU

The zootechnical certificates must also state, among others, contact information of the breeder and information the issuing of the zootechnical certificate.

Applying for a zootechnical certificate

Do you breed purebred animals? You must have a zootechnical certificate if:

  • you want to sell the animal, and
  • you want to register the animal or its offspring from germinal products in a different pedigree book for the same breed

You can apply for a zootechnical certificate to an approved breeding organisation.

Issuing zootechnical certificates

Do you want to issue zootechnical certificates for purebred animals? You must apply for recognition as a breeding organisation to the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO, in Dutch). You can apply if you are a breeding operation or a breed society. To be recognised you must fulfill the requirements (in Dutch). You must for instance have an approved breeding programme.

As a recognised breed society you can issue zootechnical certificates for:

  • purebred breeding animals (Equidae, pigs, sheep, goats, cows, and buffaloes)
  • germinal products of purebred breeding animals (semen, germ cells, and embrys)

As a recognised breeding operation you can issue zootechnical certificates for:

  • hybrid breeding pigs (cross between breeding pigs of different breeds or lines)
  • germinal products of hybrid breeding pigs

Information on the certificate

You have to put the correct information on the zootechnical certificate. You can download model zootechnical certificates (in Dutch) to use for this purpose or view the EU's English-language model certificates. For equidae the certificate consists of 2 parts.

Pedigree book

A pedigree book (stamboek) is a register that states the lineage and characteristics of pedigree animals. If you breed animals, you may request for recognition (in Dutch) to maintain a pedigree book for cows, buffalo, pigs, goats, sheep, or equidae from the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO). You are not obligated to have recognition, you are allowed to keep a pedigree book without recognition.

Online application procedure via Message Box

You can apply for recognition also via Message Box. Message Box is a secure email system that enables you as an entrepreneur to exchange digital messages with Dutch government agencies.

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