Lifelong learning credit

Published by:
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO
< 1 min read
Nederlandse versie

Would you (or your employee) like to take a study programme, but are you no longer eligible for student finance? You may qualify for a lifelong learning credit (Levenlanglerenkrediet).

You can use the lifelong learning credit for training at secondary vocational education level (mbo), higher professional education level (hbo), or university level. You can borrow money to pay your tuition fees.

You will receive the loan in instalments for the duration of your training. Once you have completed your training, you have to repay the amount you borrowed (with interest) within 15 years.

Who can apply?

You must meet several conditions to be eligible for a lifelong learning credit. The most important conditions are:

  • you are taking a recognised full-time, part-time, or work-study programme in higher professional education, or at university. Or you are taking a full-time bol programme (school-based learning pathway, beroepsopleidende leerweg) in secondary vocational education
  • you are younger than 57
  • your tuition fees are not paid or reimbursed (in full) by someone else or by an organisation

Use the eligibility assistant to see if you are eligible for lifelong learning credit.

How to apply?

You can apply for lifelong learning credit through the Education Executive Agency (Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs, DUO).

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