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Business.gov.nl is closely connected with Ondernemersplein, but the two websites are not the same. Read more about Ondernemersplein.

Ondernemersplein is the central government website for entrepreneurs in the Netherlands. A number of government organisations collaborate in Ondernemersplein to help you do business. For example, the Netherlands Tax Administration, KVK, and RVO. Together, they inform and advise you about laws and regulations, permits, tax matters, subsidies, events, etc. Ondernemersplein offers all the information in one spot.

How does Ondernemersplein help you?

Ondernemersplein answers your business-related questions. You can find out which rules apply to your situation. For example, which safety requirements your product has to meet. Or what you should take care of when you hire your first employee. Ondernemersplein gives all the information in handy step-by-step guides and refers you to the right organisations, if you need to arrange something.

Why Ondernemersplein?

Ondernemersplein executes 3 legal tasks:

Business owners in the Netherlands and all the other EU countries must have easy access to the digital services and information the government provides. Each EU country must have a Point of Single Contact website, a government information hub. Ondernemersplein was launched in 2014 by the Ministry of Economic Affairs (EZ) and the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations (BZK). Ondernemersplein is the website for Dutch-speaking business owners. Business.gov.nl is its English counterpart.

When do you need the government?

Say, you want to start your own business. An online shop, for example, or a physical shop. You will have to register your business with the KVK Business Register. You will have to file VAT and income tax returns with the Netherlands Tax Administration. Maybe you can apply for a subsidy for starting companies. If you start a business, you will inevitably deal with several government organisations.

Which government organisations collaborate with Ondernemersplein?

A team of editors from different government organisations collaborate to create the information presented on Ondernemersplein.

The partners are:

  • Netherlands Enterprise Agency RVO
  • Netherlands Chamber of Commerce KVK
  • Tax Administration (Belastingdienst)
  • Statistics Netherlands (CBS)
  • Ministry van Economic Affairs (EZ)
  • Ministry of Social Affairs and Work (SZW)
  • Netherlands Vehicle Authority (RDW)
  • Rijksoverheid.nl
  • Employee Insurance Agency (UWV)
  • Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA)
  • VNG (Association of Dutch Municipalities)

Always the same answer

The content on Ondernemersplein is disclosed via a so-called API (Application Programming Interface, in Dutch). This technical solution makes it possible to share the same information on several websites. Ondernemersplein is always on the lookout for new API clients, so entrepreneurs can find the right answers to their questions in a growing number of places.