Measures to improve quality in the construction sector

Published by:
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO
1 min read
Effective date: 1 January 2024

What has changed?

Measures to improve the overall quality of work in the construction sector have been introduced. The position of both private and business consumers will be protected. Changes include:

  • The obligation for builders to contract an independent and certified quality assurance officer. This quality assurer will assess the building plan for any risks and will check the construction site to make sure regulations are being followed.
  • An all-in-one permit for physical aspects will be enough to start a project. It will no longer be necessary to wait for approval of the construction-technical quality of the plan. This goes for the initial application and for any changes that follow.
  • The liability for hidden defects will be divided differently. The position of the client will be improved.
  • Builders will need to pay more attention to the wishes of consumers and clients. This can include the layout of a building, the type of installations used and the finish-off.
  • There will be a final standard with which non-residential construction will have to comply. Owners of multiple buildings in both social and commercial real estate will be encouraged to integrate a sustainability strategy in their multi-year maintenance planning. Also new regulations are expected for non-residential construction.

For whom?

  • construction companies
  • quality assurers
  • business consumers who build/convert and use utilities (such as offices, schools and hospitals)
  • private consumers who build/convert and use houses

The Uniform administrative conditions for the execution of works and technical services 2012 (Uniforme administratieve voorwaarden, UAV 2012, in Dutch) are applicable to procurement in the construction sector. Please note that from 1 January 2024, the provisions on liability set out in the Dutch Civil Code prevail over the UAV. Professional parties can deviate from the provisions of the UAV, whereas private parties cannot.


The law to improve quality in the construction sector (Wet kwaliteitsborging voor het bouwen, Wkb) has come into effect at the same time as the Environmental and Planning Act (Omgevingswet) on 1 January 2024 for new buildings.

For the conversion, rebuilding, or renovation of existing buildings the Wkb is expected to come into effect on 1 January 2025.

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