Opening a Dutch business bank account

Published by:
Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency, NFIA
Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency, NFIA
Netherlands Chamber of Commerce, KVK
Netherlands Chamber of Commerce, KVK
2 min read

If you plan to start doing business in the Netherlands and being active here, then you require a business (IBAN) account. If you already have a business bank account in the SEPA Zone, you do not need to set up a new one.

Do you need to open a business bank account?

You need to have a bank account before you can register your business with the Netherlands Chamber of Commerce KVK.

No bank account

Do you not have a bank account? Then you have to apply for one. If you want to start a business in the Netherlands, it is advisable to apply for a business bank account in the Netherlands. Read how to go about it in this KVK article.


Do you reside in the Single Euro Payment Area (SEPA) Zone, and do you have a bank account? Then you already have an IBAN account. This IBAN account enables you to make national and cross-border euro payments easily and securely. You do not have to open another bank account in the Netherlands.

Separate private and business accounts

If you already have a private bank account, consider also opening a business bank account. Although it is not mandatory, it is advisable to keep your private and business affairs separate. Read what the pros and cons are (KVK).

Registering your company, step 1 and 2Registering your company, step 1 and 2

Are you an entrepreneur currently located outside the SEPA Zone?

In that case, it is necessary to apply for a business account with a bank located in the Netherlands. Due to strict legislation and individual acceptance policy, the banks have to look very carefully at each application before they can make a decision. That process can take some time.

Quick Scan for businesses that have a facilitator

Is your business a startup, and do you have (or are you applying for) a residence permit for foreign startups? Then you are receiving assistance from a facilitator, such as the Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency (NFIA). You may be able to use the Quick Scan 'Dutch Business Bank Account'. The Dutch Banking Association has created this scan.

How it works:

  • Go to the NVB website and download the Quick Scan 'Dutch Business Bank Account', answer the questions, attach the requested documents and mail the completed Quick Scan and the documents to the bank of your choice.
  • The bank will confirm the probability of a successful application to open an account within 5 business days of receipt of the Quick Scan.
  • The scan is intended for entrepreneurs who are already in the process of registering with the Netherlands Chamber of Commerce (KVK) and applying for a residence permit.

Are you not receiving assistance from NFIA or from another facilitator? In that case you cannot use the Quick Scan. Please turn directly to a bank of your choice to check if you are eligible to apply for a business account.

Questions relating to this article?

Please contact the Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency, NFIA