Business services

Published by:
Statistics Netherlands, CBS
Statistics Netherlands, CBS

Are you looking for statistic information on business service providers? In this factsheet you will find the key figures and trends in the business services industry.

Number of businesses

Number of businesses

Number of businesses

This chart shows the total number of business service providers.

Number of new businesses

Number of new businesses

This chart shows the number of starting businesses in business service.

Turnover sector business services



This chart shows the turnover development in business services.

Turnover per line of business

Turnover per line of business

This chart shows the turnover development for Temporary Employment Agencies and secondment services, Architectural and Engineering Firms, and Rental of movable goods.

Employment and vacancies

Job vacancies

Job vacancies

This chart shows the number of vacancies in business services.

Staff shortage

Staff shortage

This chart shows how many business service providers are experiencing staff shortages.