Published by:
Statistics Netherlands, CBS
Are you looking for statistical information about Leeuwarden? In this factsheet you will find all the facts about Leeuwarden.
Number of businesses and bankruptcies in Leeuwarden
Number of business establishments in Leeuwarden by sector
This bar chart shows the number of businesses in Leeuwarden per sector for the year 2023.
Number of bankruptcies in Leeuwarden
The graph above shows how many companies went bankrupt in Leeuwarden.
Employment in Leeuwarden
Number of jobs in Leeuwarden
This bar chart shows the average number of jobs in December 2023 of employees employed by companies and institutions in Leeuwarden.
Other facts about Leeuwarden
The number of hotel stays per year in Leeuwarden
This graph shows the number of hotel nights in Leeuwarden per year.
Rent increase in Leeuwarden
This graph shows the rent increase including rent harmonization in Leeuwarden compared to the Netherlands.
The number of people that live in Leeuwarden
This bar chart shows how many inhabitants the municipality of Leeuwarden has as of 1 January 2024.