Published by:
Statistics Netherlands, CBS
Are you looking for statistical information about Rotterdam? In this factsheet you will find all the facts about Rotterdam.
Businesses and bankruptcies in Rotterdam
Number of bankruptcies in Rotterdam
The chart above shows how many businesses went bankrupt in Rotterdam (region Groot-Rijnmond).
Number of businesses in Rotterdam by sector
This bar chart shows the number of businesses in Rotterdam by sector over the year 2024.
Employment in Rotterdam
Number of jobs in Rotterdam
This bar chart shows the average number of jobs in December of employees employed by businesses and institutions.
Other facts about Rotterdam
Rent increase in Rotterdam
Rent harmonisation means that when a tenant leaves the property, the rent is adjusted (usually increased) for the new tenant. In addition, the landlord can also increase the rent on 1 July each year, within the rules of the housing valuation system.
The number of people that live in Rotterdam
This bar chart shows the number of people that live in Rotterdam sorted by age
The number of hotel stays per month
The chart above shows the number of hotel stays per month.