Changing an all-in-one permit for environmental aspects
Do you have an all-in-one permit for environmental regulations for businesses? And is there a change in your operations that does not match your permit? You must apply for a modification permit to your provincial authority. Or you must submit a notification.
Find out more or arrange now
at your municipality, province, or water authority
You must apply for a modification permit if the change results in any of these situations:
- your business activity nolonger matches your permit
- a change to the facilities causes it to (partially) fall into a different category than the permit was issued for
- there are new or more harmful consequences for the environment than allowed under your current permit
Changing your permit
You can apply for a modification through the service counter all-in-one permit for physical aspects (Omgevingsloket Online, OLO, in Dutch). In general a regular preparatory procedure applies, with a decision-making period of 8 weeks.
If the change in your business formation does not cause a change in the environmental impact of your business, you can apply for an environmentally neutral all-in-one permit via the OLO (in Dutch).
Activities Decree notification
You must submit an Activities Decree notification using the Activities Decree online module (AIM, in Dutch) if:
- your new business activity falls under Chapter 3 of the Activities Decree Environmental Management Act.
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Please contact the Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO