Do you produce, sell, or import electrical and electronic devices in the Netherlands? Or do you process electrical waste (WEEE or e-waste) or export discarded electrical equipment from the Netherlands? You are responsible for managing these devices up to and including the waste phase. This is extended producer responsibility (EPR).

When do you have producer responsibility?

You have extended producer responsibility if your business:

  • is the first to market equipment under its own name or brand in the Netherlands (manufacturer)
  • is the first to trade in equipment under its own brand in the Netherlands (trader)
  • is the first to import and market equipment
  • abroad, sells directly to end users in the Netherlands

What should you do if you have producer responsibility?

You must collect and recycle discarded appliances. You have to ensure that:

  • e-waste from private individuals and businesses is collected separately
  • the set collection rate is achieved
  • the collected electrical and electronic equipment is processed properly
  • devices have a 'WEEE symbol' (crossed-out wheeled bin)
  • you provide waste processing installations with information on reuse and disposal of the device
  • batteries and accumulators can be easily removed from the device
  • you register the e-waste and report on it annually

Registering and reporting e-waste

If you have extended producer responsibility, you must sign up with the OPEN foundation (Stichting OPEN). You will then be registered with the National (W)EEE Register. You must report annually on the number of electrical appliances and energy saving light bulbs you have put on the market, exported, collected, or processed. The OPEN foundation arranges, among others, the collection of your discarded appliances.

Please note: The technical requirements that the Netherlands sets for electrical and electronic devices differ from those of other EU Member States. Has an electrical or electronic device already been permitted in another EU Member State? Then the government can only prohibit its sale in the Netherlands in exceptional cases.

Recycling contribution for white goods, brown goods, and light bulbs

You must include the recycling contribution in the price of (large and small) white and brown goods (TVs, refrigerators, washing machines, microwaves). You are not allowed to add this contribution on top of the (retail) price.

Collecting discarded appliances

Do you, as a retailer, sell a new appliance? You must collect appliances discarded by customers free of charge if you sell comparable appliances (in Dutch). This also applies to energy-sufficient light bulbs (in Dutch). This requirement also applies to web shops.

Collection point for e-waste

Do you supply electrical and electronic equipment and does your store's floor space exceed the 400 m2? You must have a collection point for small e-waste. Consumers can return their waste appliances free of charge, without being obliged to buy a new equivalent item at your store.

Processing of discarded appliances

Are you a recycling company that processes e-waste (waste of electrical and electronic equipment? You are only allowed to recycle e-waste if you are certified according to CENELEC. You must also register the processed e-waste with the National (W)EEE Register.