Do you run a company in the Netherlands, for instance, a private or public limited company (bv or nv)? You have to file your financial statements every year with the Dutch Chamber of Commerce (KVK). Financial statements contain financial information about your company.

Who has to file financial statements?

You are obliged to file financial statements if you own:

  • a private limited company (bv)
  • a public limited company (nv)
  • a cooperative association
  • a mutual insurance company/association
  • a general or limited partnership (VOF or CV resp.) of which all managing partners are foreign
  • an association or foundation that runs one or more businesses of a certain size (with a minimum of €6 million annual turnover in the last 2 financial years)

In a number of cases, you do not need to file your financial statements. For instance, sole proprietors. This also applies to daughter companies (subsidiaries) in certain situations and micro or small private limited companies for pension or annuity purposes. However, you are required to submit an accountant's report or declaration of consent.

Filing financial statements

You have to file your financial statements with the Dutch Chamber of Commerce (KVK). It depends on the size of your company which requirements apply on how to file your financial statements. You can do so for instance with Standard Business Reporting (SBR) or by using the online service for filing your financial statements yourself (Zelf Deponeren Jaarrekening).

You can check on the KVK website how to file your financial statements.

If you use an intermediary, they must always use the Standard Business Reporting software (SBR) when filing digitally.

File your financial statements on time

You must file your financial statements on time. The deadline for submitting the annual statements depends on the legal structure of your business, but at most this is:

  • within 8 days of adopting them
  • within 12 months from the end of the financial year.

You cannot apply for an extension. If the financial statements have not been adopted in time, you submit the provisional statements.

If you submit your financial statements late, you may have to pay a fine. You may also become personally liable for debt when declared bankrupt, even if the legal structure of your business would normally prevent this.

The following foreign legal entities must file their financial statements in the Netherlands:

  • Foreign legal entities from outside the EU with a branch in the Netherlands, if they have to file annual financial statements in their home country.
  • Entities subject to the Dutch Formal Foreign Companies Act (Wet op de formeel buitenlandse vennootschappen). These entities, although established in their country of origin, do not have any real relationship with that country and operate solely in the Netherlands.

Request an exception to filing your financial statements

In extreme circumstances you can request an exemption for the legal obligation to file your financial statements, for example due to bankruptcy, fire, or theft. Please contact the Netherlands Chamber of Commerce (KVK) for more information.

Look into financial statements

If you wish to look into a company's financial statements you can order these online with the Chamber of Commerce (KVK) for a fee.

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Please contact the Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO