Liquid-proof and liquid-resistant floors

Published by:
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO

Do you work with contaminating substances that could enter the soil or the groundwater? If you carry out activities in the Netherlands that could negatively impact soil quality, you must take measures to prevent pollution. You can protect the soil and groundwater with:

  • a liquid-proof floor (liquids cannot permeate this floor)
  • a liquid-resistant floor (this type of floor holds up leakage and spills, until they have been cleaned up)

You can consult the Foundation for infrastructure quality control in soil management's (Stichting Infrastructuur Kwaliteitsborging Bodembeheer, SIKB) soil protection guide (pdf) to determine which type of floor you need and which other measures you can take.

Installation of liquid-proof floors

Does your company need a liquid-proof floor? You must have this floor installed by a certified contractor. You can find an overview of certified contractors that are allowed to install liquid-proof floors on the Soil protection website (in Dutch). When the floor has been installed, you will receive a Proof of Certified Construction (Bewijs Aanleg Onder Certificaat, BAOC, in Dutch). This BAOC is valid for 6 years.

Inspection of liquid-proof floors

After 6 years, when the BOAC expires, you must have liquid-proof floors inspected (in Dutch) by an independent, certified inspector. You can consult Rijkswaterstaat Environment’s Bodem+ website for a list of certified inspection companies (in Dutch). When your liquid-proof floor has been approved, you will receive a certificate. This is called the Impermeable Facility Certificate (Verklaring Vloeistofdichte Voorziening) and it is valid for 6 years.

You also need to check the floor annually yourself. You must check for defects, tears, and cracks. This way you know your floor is still liquid-proof. You monitor the floor’s condition with your company’s control system.

Incident management and liquid-resistant floors

Do you have a liquid-resistant floor? You must avoid risks by practising incident management. This means that you:

  • perform annual checks on the floor with the checklist liquid-proof floors (controlelijst vloeistofkerende vloeren, pdf, in Dutch). You keep this checklist for 5 years.
  • clear up spilled liquids immediately (make sure there are enough (leak) containers, cleaning cloths, and absorption granules)
  • record instructions for your employees as to what they need to do when leaking or spilling liquids
  • place leak containers underneath lubricating oils and system oils, coolants, waste oil, and also dishes (dish washing area)
  • place leak containers underneath metalworking machines that might release liquids

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Please contact the Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO