Registration and notification of (hazardous) industrial waste

Published by:
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO
Checked 4 Aug 2021
2 min read
Nederlandse versie

In the Netherlands, you must keep a waste record if you dispose of, transport, treat or process or act as a dealer or broker of waste. In this record you keep (in Dutch):

  • the contract with the company to which you deliver waste or you receive waste from
  • a copy of the manifest for the transport from the dispatcher. This manifest contains information about the haulier, sender and receiver, the waste products, and details of the way in which the waste products will be processed
  • the invoice for the waste

You must keep these documents for 5 years.

Reporting waste materials

Do you operate a waste business? Such as for instance:

  • an incineration plant
  • landfill site
  • composter
  • storage and transfer business
  • sorter
  • breaker

You must report the waste you receive to the National Waste Notification Bureau (Landelijk Meldpunt Afvalstoffen, LMA). You do this via the automated Electronic Waste Notification Information and Communication system (Afval Meldingen Informatie en Communicatie Elektronisch, AMICE, in Dutch).

To report the waste, you need:

  • a waste processor ID code for waste material receipt notifications. You can apply for this code (in Dutch) to the National Waste Notification Bureau (LMA)
  • waste stream numbers (in Dutch) for the businesses that dispose of their waste via your business
  • a company number for the first time you receive waste materials and for regular monthly waste receptions

The notification deadline is 4 weeks after the end of the month in which you received the waste materials.

The notification requirement also applies if your business disposes of waste by using it as building material, fertiliser or raw material.

Reporting a transfer of ship’s waste

If you want to transfer your ship’s waste, you must report this to the National Waste Notification Bureau (LMA). In order to do so, you complete the ship’s waste transfer form (S form, pdf, in Dutch). The completed form must remain on board your ship for 5 years.

Oil transfer log

Do you navigate inland waterways in the Netherlands in a professional capacity? You must have a valid oil transfer log (olieafgifteboekje) on board your ship. In the oil transfer log, you enter the quantity and type of waste produced by your ship. You are obliged to transfer the ship’s waste to a recognised waste reception facility (in Dutch). The operator of the waste reception facility will record the receipt of the ship’s waste in the transfer log. You can obtain a transfer log from the Inland Shipping Waste and Navigation Documents Foundation (SAB). SAB's Shipping Environmental Plan will help you prevent unnecessary waste and deal safely with inevitable waste.

Online application and registration via Message Box

Do you want to apply for a waste processor ID code or do you want to report received waste materials online? Besides AMICE, you can also use Message Box. Message Box is a secure email system that enables you as an entrepreneur to exchange digital messages with Dutch government agencies.

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