Rules for single-use plastics

Published by:
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO

Are you a manufacturer, importer, or vendor of plastic products for single use (disposables and/or packaging materials)? There are rules on disposable plastic products to prevent pollution (plastic soup). You can no longer market specific disposable products, or you must put marking (logo/pictogram) on the packaging.

What are disposable plastic products (disposable plastic or single-use plastics)?

Disposable plastic products are products that:

  • are meant for single use (disposable or single-use plastics)
  • are entirely made of plastic or that contain a plastic component
  • are made (or partly made) of bioplastic (biobased or biodegradable)

Banned disposables

You cannot bring to market the following single-use plastics:

  • products made of oxo-degradable plastics (such as bags and bottles)
  • balloon sticks (except for industrial or other professional use)
  • cotton buds
  • food and drinks containers and polystyrene cups (expanded polystyrene, EPS)
  • stirrers
  • straws (except for medical use)
  • cutlery
  • plates

Caps on drink containers

Caps and lids must be attached to plastic drink bottles and beverage containers that are meant for single use. Bottles and containers for medical use are exempt from this measure. Large containers or bottles over 3 litres are also exempt.

Mandatory marking (pictogram)

You have to mark the packaging of specific products or the products themselves.

Products that must be marked with a pictogram (logo) are:

  • the packaging of tobacco products with filters and filters for use with tobacco products
  • cups for beverages (the pictogram must be on the cup)
  • the packaging of sanitary towels, tampons, and tampon applicators

You must use the standard pictograms in the language of the country in which you market the product. The pictogram shows that:

  • the product contains plastic
  • in which bin the product should be discarded
  • litter is harmful to the environment

If you brought a product to market before 4 July 2022, you were allowed to put the logo on the packaging or the product by means of a sticker. After that date the pictogram must be printed on the product or the packaging.