Rules and regulations for all entrepreneurs
If you run a company in the Netherlands and plan to dismiss, for business economic reasons, at least 20 employees within one geographical work area within 3 months, this is called collective...
Are you no longer able to pay your debts? Then you can apply for debt restructuring. There are 2 types of debt restructuring: voluntary debt restructuring (Minnelijke schuldregeling natuurlijke...
Do you have a company in the Netherlands and do you want to dismiss staff? You must follow a dismissal procedure. In some situations you are not allowed to dismiss an employee, for example when you...
Are you temporarily unable to pay your debts? You can ask the court to grant you deferral (suspension) of payment (surseance van betaling). Suspensions are granted for 18 months. Suspension of payment...
Do you have a business in the Netherlands and do you want to close down or transfer your business (or a part of your business)? You have to settle with the Netherlands Tax Administration...
Do you own a company in the Netherlands and are you unable to pay your staff's wages? Or do you have problems paying taxes and contributions? Then your company is said to be in a state of permanent...
In the Netherlands, pensions consist of at least one of the following elements: a state pension, a supplementary pension, and/or private insurance. Old Age Pension (AOW) In general, everybody who...
When you own a business in the Netherlands and you are no longer able to pay off your debts, you can petition the court (in Dutch) to be declared bankrupt. Before you take this step, you may consider...
All businesses and legal entities in the Netherlands must register in the Business Register (Handelsregister), including self-employed professionals (zzp'ers), freelancers, businesses, and...
Do you run a company in the Netherlands? Major changes such as business restructuring, relocation, downsizing, or bankruptcy can have serious consequences for your staff. If you have to dismiss some...