Legal matters | Business management | Running your business | Menu
Running your business
Business management
Legal matters
- Agreements and contracts: all you need to know
- Business dispute in international business
- Prevent cartel formation as a self-employed professional
- Drafting general terms and conditions
- Alcohol Act: age check for distance selling of alcohol
- Compensation for personal injury after an accident at work
- Consumer law: your rights and obligations as a seller
- Entering into a consignment agreement
- European rules for digital platforms
- Fraud, disputes, or complaint: Who to contact?
- Get your document legalised by KVK
- Legal obligations per sector
- Partner liability in your business
- Rules for smart devices and digital products
- Selling online: how to comply with the rules
- Alternative dispute resolution
- Applying for a licence to use television images
- Ban on abuse of a dominant position
- Cartels and competition
- Certificate of conduct for legal entities (VOG RP)
- Complying with the Sanctions Act
- Debt restructuring
- DSA: supervision of online services
- Filing disciplinary proceedings
- Filing for a suspension of payment
- Fines
- Inspections by government organisations
- Legal assistance with a dispute or conflict
- Legal proceedings in the case of disputes
- Objecting to and appealing against a government decision
- Petitioning for bankruptcy
- Product liability
- Protecting trade secrets
- Public Administration Probity Screening Act (Bibob)
- Reclaiming money from EU suppliers
- Registration of groundwater extraction or infiltration
- Reporting cross-border constructions
- Reproduction rights
- Requesting information from the government (WOO request)
- Rules for sustainability claims
- Sex business permit
- UBO register for ultimate beneficial owner
- Unfair trading practices
- Debt collection agencies and bailiffs