Export documents

Published by:
Netherlands Chamber of Commerce, KVK
Netherlands Chamber of Commerce, KVK

International trade involves, amongst other things, documents of origin. You can get these documents of origin at the Netherlands Chamber of Commerce. Read here which documents are available and in which situation you might need them.

Which documents are needed, depends on factors like product, destination country, and chosen means of transport. Several parties may ask for these documents, f.i. the customs office, governmental bodies in the destination country, the bank, or the buyer.

Documents of origin

The European Commission's Access2Markets database offers information on which documents you need per country. View the document overview for more information on these documents. The Chamber of Commerce can provide you with the following export documents (all in Dutch) at a charge:

There are fees for applying for export documents from KVK.

Other export documents

Other important export documents are:

  • ATR-certificate: a customs document for trade between EU countries and Türkiye. Under an EU-Turkish treaty, goods can be imported or exported duty-free, so long as they have been produced in the EU or Türkiye. The ATR certificate documents this.
  • Exporter Registry Form (in Dutch): you need this form to export certain textile products to Türkiye.
  • Supplier's declaration for products of preferential origin: You can use a supplier's declaration of products of preferential origin as evidence for an EUR.1-certificate. The declaration comes in several languages and in a single and multiple use version.
  • Supplier's declaration for products of non-preferential origin: You can use a supplier's declaration of products of non-preferential origin as evidence for a certificate of origin. The declaration comes in several languages and in a single and multiple use version.
  • Invoice declaration of status as acknowledged exporter (Regeling Toegelaten Exporteur, in Dutch): this declaration consists of a set text you can add to your invoices, stating you are an acknowledged exporter. To obtain this status, you need to be an experienced company with sufficient importing and exporting knowhow, and offer a comprehensive delivery program.

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Please contact the Netherlands Chamber of Commerce, KVK