Point of Single Contact: Luxembourg
Do you want to do business in Luxembourg or establish a business there? Luxembourg's Point of Single Contact (PSC) will help you get started. This business portal is available in 3 languages, including English.
Find out about rules and procedures in Luxembourg
The Point of Single Contact (PSC) provides comprehensive information on topics such as starting a business, permits, rules and regulations, and hiring staff. For each topic, it is clear who the information is for and what steps you need to take.
Get started online
All available forms and electronic procedures are listed together online. You can view them by topic. You can also complete administrative procedures securely online within the MyGuichet portal. To use this, you must first apply for one of the Luxtrust certificates.
Support and contact
Do you have questions about commercial or industrial activities, or a liberal profession? Contact the Luxembourg House of Entrepreneurship. For questions about a specific a craft or trade, contact the Luxembourg Chamber of Skilled Trades and Crafts.