
Published by:
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO
< 1 min read
Nederlandse versie

Are you a starting or existing business owner in the Netherlands and do you need credit to start or grow your company? You may be eligible for a Microcredit (Microkrediet, in Dutch) from Qredits. This microcredit is a business loan up to a maximum of €50,000.

You can also apply for an SME loan (MKB-krediet), which is a €50,000 to €250,000 business loan.

When do you qualify?

  • You are a starting or existing business owner, or you take over a business.
  • Your current need for credit is at most €50,000.
  • You have a solid (business) plan.
  • You conduct your business activities in the Netherlands.

How to apply?

If you do not yet have a business plan, Qredits can assist you with coaching and various business tools. If you already have a business plan, you can submit your application for a Microcredit to Qredits Microfinanciering Nederland (in Dutch).

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