Opportunities for West (Kansen voor West)

Published by:
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO
Checked 26 Apr 2021
1 min read
Nederlandse versie

Do you own an SME located in the provinces of Noord- and Zuid-Holland, Utrecht, or Flevoland? You can apply for a subsidy for innovative projects from Opportunities for West (Kansen voor West, in Dutch).

Opportunities for West III is a cooperation between the 4 western provinces and the municipalities of Amsterdam, The Hague, Rotterdam, and Utrecht. It is tasked with granting ERDF-subsidies from the 2021-2027 programme. Opportunities for West III offers various subsidies, loans, and vouchers.

Who can apply?

You can apply if your project idea fits 1 of the priorities for Opportunities for West III:

  • Innovation (in Dutch), to encourage an innovative and smart economic transition
  • Energy efficiency (in Dutch), to increase the use of efficient measures to reduce carbon emissions
  • Renewable energy (in Dutch), to encourage the use of renewable energy sources
  • Smart energy systems (in Dutch), to develop smart energy system, grids and storage
  • Circular economy (in Dutch), to encourage the transition to a circular economy
  • Sustainable urban development (in Dutch), to support effective and inclusive employment, education, skills, social inclusion and equal access to healthcare and develop the role of culture and sustainable tourism in urban areas

To be eligible your company must be established in 1 of the 4 provinces (Noord-Holland, Zuid-Holland, Utrecht, or Flevoland). Budgets and conditions vary for the different schemes (in Dutch).

How to apply?

Calls for Opportunities for West III have different opening and closing dates. Some calls close when the budget is reached. Each year has 2 rounds of new calls you can apply for. Opportunities for West will assess your application. If approved, you apply for the subsidy through the ERDF-webportal (EFRO-webportal, in Dutch).

Before you apply, you can consult the application roadmap (in Dutch).

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