Repaying the SME credit guarantee corona (BMKB-C)

Published by:
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO

Do you use the extended SME credit guarantee scheme for corona (BMKB-C)? Then you must repay the amount you borrowed. Under the BMKB-C, entrepreneurs could borrow money faster and easier during the corona crisis.

BMKB-C is an extension of the regular SME credit guarantee scheme.

Do you have to repay?

You repay your loan, plus interest and commission. How much you have to repay depends on the amount you borrowed and the bank or financier you borrowed from.

How much do you have to repay?

You pay:

  • the entire loan
  • the interest on your loan
  • commission to the government of 2% (for a loan of 2 years) or 3% (for a loan of 3 or 4 years)
  • any applicable commission to the bank or financier
  • any application and processing fees

The interest rate, the commission to the financier, and the application and processing fees differ for each financier. Some financiers offer the first half year or even longer repayment-free (grace period). You may be able to repay without penalty. Check the conditions of your credit agreement.

When do you have to repay?

You start repaying immediately after you have received the loan. Unless your financier offers the first period repayment-free. You then only pay interest. Some financiers allow you to repay the loan afterwards. The duration of a loan via the BMKB-C is a maximum of 4 years.

Whom do you have to repay?

You repay the loan to your bank or financier, with whom you took out the loan. On the website of the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) you can read which financiers were allowed to offer the BMKB-C (in Dutch).


More information about your loan can be found in your credit agreement. Do you still have questions? Then you can contact your bank or financier.

Questions relating to this article?

Please contact the Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO