This information has been made available by the partners of

  • Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO)
  • Netherlands Chamber of Commerce (KVK)
  • Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND)
  • Statistics Netherlands (CBS)
  • Netherlands Tax Administration (Belastingdienst)
  • Netherlands Vehicle Authority (RDW)
  • Ondernemersplein is the English-language Point of Single Contact (PSC) for resident and foreign entrepreneurs, who want to establish a business or want to do business in the Netherlands. is an initiative of the Ministry of Economic Affairs. On this portal you can find laws, rules and regulations as well as general and sectoral information from the Dutch government and semi-governmental organisations. Also, you will find Dutch or European subsidies you may be eligible for.

Terms and conditions and disclaimer

The terms and conditions and this disclaimer apply to the website, managed by the Netherlands Chamber of Commerce KVK. By visiting this website and/or using the information available on or through it, you are agreeing to the applicability of the terms and conditions and the disclaimer. In the event of a conflict between this disclaimer and any other terms and conditions for products or services ordered via this website, the terms and conditions for said products or services shall prevail.

Use of the website and its partners present you with information, from the government and semi-government organisations, that you need to be aware of to run a business in the Netherlands.

The information provided on this website is intended for general information purposes only. No rights can be derived from the information on this website. Although the Netherlands Chamber of Commerce KVK takes due care in compiling and managing this website, and makes use of sources that are deemed reliable, we cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness and topicality of the information offered. Nor can we guarantee that the website will operate flawlessly or without disruption. The Netherlands Chamber of Commerce KVK shall not be held accountable for any (lack of) accuracy, completeness or actuality of the information provided, nor for any disruption.

Some pages on this website feature the Your Europe logo:

Your Europe logoYour Europe logo

These pages have been designated by the European Commission as essential to entrepreneurs from EU member states, and the Your Europe website provides links to these pages. The Your Europe website makes it easy for entrepreneurs to find information about doing business in another member state. It is part of the EU’s ambition to digitise relevant government information via the so-called Single Digital Gateway. The information is also available in Dutch on Ondernemersplein. and its partners do their utmost to keep these pages up to date and accurate. If you believe the information to be unclear, incorrect or outdated, please send an email to

Third-party product or service information

If the Netherlands Chamber of Commerce KVK provides links to third-party websites, doing so does not imply that we endorse these websites or the products or services on them. We will not be held liable or accept any responsibility for the content, use or availability of third-party websites that we link to, or which link to our website. The use of said links is at the user’s own risk. The information on said websites has not been checked by the Netherlands Chamber of Commerce KVK for correctness, reasonableness, topicality or completeness.

Use of information

All intellectual property rights and other rights that apply to all information offered on or through this website and on any of our social media profiles (including all texts, graphics and logos) are the exclusive property of the Netherlands Chamber of Commerce KVK and/or a partner or partners of It is not permitted to copy, download or otherwise make public, disseminate or reproduce information on this website without previous written permission by us or the relevant rights holder, and the source must always be named. You may however print and/or download the information on this website for personal use.

Information containing a hyperlink to relevant content on may be made public or disseminated without prior permission from the Netherlands Chamber of Commerce KVK or a partner or partners from To do so, the relevant hyperlink to content on this website must be used.


The Netherlands Chamber of Commerce KVK retains the right to change the information offered on this website, including the text of the terms of use and the disclaimer, at any time without prior notice. We recommend that you periodically check if the information on this site has been changed, including the texts of the conditions of use and the disclaimer.

This website, conditions of use and the disclaimer are subject to Dutch Law. Any dispute arising from or related to the conditions of use and the disclaimer will exclusively be submitted to a competent court judge in the Netherlands.

Contact us


Postal address:

Netherlands Chamber of Commerce KVK

P.O. Box 48

3500 AA Utrecht

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