Taking energy-saving measures
Does your company or organisation have a location that uses large amounts of energy? This means an annual energy consumption of more than 50,000 kWh of electricity or 25,000 m3 of gas or the equivalent (in Dutch). Or this amount in another energy source such as district warming. If so, you must meet the energy efficiency obligation. This means you must take energy-saving measures. You also need to report on the measures you have taken.
Energy saving rules
The rules for energy efficiency are set out in the Environment and Planning Act (Omgevingswet). There are 2 types of rules:
- Rules on the energy you use in activities that may have negative effects on the environment. Such as using energy, producing products or recycling waste. These rules are in the Environmental Activities Decree (Besluit activiteiten leefomgeving, Bal).
- Rules for buildings. Such as your shop or office. You will find these rules in the Decree on construction work in the living environment (Besluit bouwwerken leefomgeving, Bbl).
What rules apply to you?
Does the energy saving obligation apply to your company or organisation? If so, you can follow the rules in 2 ways:
- You take all measures that use less energy or emit less CO2 and that pay for themselves within 5 years or less, or
- You take all applicable measures listed in the Recognised Energy Saving Measures List (Erkende Maatregelenlijst energiebesparing, EML, in Dutch).
There are separate lists of measures for buildings, facilities, and processes.
Examples of approved measures are:
- You replace fluorescent lighting with LED bulbs
- You insulate the roof of business premises
- You install solar panels on your building to generate energy
- You apply individual temperature control per room.
Reporting energy-saving measures
Do you have an energy-saving obligation? Then you must report on this once every 4 years. Use the step-by-step plan reporting obligation energy efficiency (Stappenplan Rapportage Energiebesparing, in Dutch) to help you determine which reporting obligation you must meet:
You may have to comply with more than 1 obligation.
You report your energy-saving report via the ePortal (eLoket) of the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO). For this you need eHerkenning level 2+ or higher with authorisation for RVO services level eH2+. Do you want to report? Go directly to the right portal:
- report on the energy efficiency obligation (in Dutch)
- report on the EED audit obligation (in Dutch)
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Please contact the Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO