Changes in law and regulations 1st quarter 2024

Published by:
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO
4 min read

As an entrepreneur, you are faced with new and modified rules and laws. This page offers an overview of changes relevant to businesses in the 1st quarter of 2024.

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Introduction of the Environment and Planning Act (Omgevingswet)

The Environment and Planning Act (Omgevingswet) is set up to make it easier to test spatial projects against all rules at once. The new Act covers rules on the built environment, housing, infrastructure, environment, nature, and water. Read more

Business taxes

You will no longer have to deduct wage tax from your employees’ wages if you pay them back for the costs of a public transport card (an ‘ov-kaart’) if used for business travel. Read more

The excise duty on beer, wine, and other alcoholic beverages will increase from 1 January 2024. Read more

The tax rate for box 3 of the income tax will go up earlier and more than originally proposed. The tax-free amount remains the same. Read more

The payment discount for the provisional assessment for income tax (IB) will be abolished. Entrepreneurs for income tax purposes will no longer get a discount for paying their provisional IB assessment in one go. Read more

Are you ending part of your business due to a government measure? From 1 January 2024, you can also use the reinvestment reserve (HIR) to invest in, for example, another (second) business. Read more

Is your business located in the Caribbean Netherlands and do you pay taxes there? The tax system of the Caribbean Netherlands will change. Read more

Do you want to buy company assets such as business premises, machinery, or a company car? Money put into a third-party account of a notary or law firm for such purchases will be taxed as bank balance money. Read more

Are you entitled to the private business ownership allowance? The amount you can deduct from your profits decreases each year. In 2024, the private business ownership allowance goes down to €3,750. Read more

A withholding tax on dividend flows to tax havens will be introduced. This tax will apply to financial flows to countries that have a profit tax of less than 9%. Read more

The tax-free travel allowance will go up to €0.23 per kilometre. Employers can refund their employees’ travel costs free of tax. Entrepeneurs for income tax purposes can deduct the amount per kilometre from their profit. Read more

The SME profit exemption for small and medium-sized enterprises will be reduced. SMEs may deduct 12.7% SME profit exemption from their profits on their income tax return, down from 14% in 2023. Read more

Compensation for the legal costs will be paid directly to the objector (citizen or businesses) in WOZ or bpm disputes. Instead of to the organisation that provides the legal assistance. Read more

As of 2024, there will be 2 rates in box 2 of the income tax return. A base rate of 24.5% for an income of up to €67,000, and a high rate of 31% on any income higher than that. Read more


From 1 February 2024 multilingual daycare may be offered in English, French, or German (next to Dutch and/or Frisian) for no more than 50% of the time. Read more


Measures will be introduced to improve the overall quality of work in the construction sector. The position of both private and business consumers will be protected. Read more

Parking garages underneath newly built multi-storey buildings where people stay overnight/sleep must be fitted with a sprinkler installation. Read more

Construction companies must appoint a Safety Coordinator Immediate Surroundings for construction and/or demolition work. This person must ensure the safety and health of anyone in the immediate vicinity of the work. Read more

Environmental impact

From 2024 all listed companies and large enterprises must report the environmental and social impact of their activities. Companies must have this information verified by an auditor. Read more

The excise duty rate on heavy heating oil will go up from €41.31 to €654.54 per 1,000 kgs. Read more

The emission fee that business with 1 or more large industrial plants which emit CO2 in the production or waste burning process must pay will go up. Read more


Catering establishments, festivals, and company restaurants can no longer offer guests disposable plastic cups, plastic cutlery, and meal containers to use on site. Read more

Retail and wholesale

The consumption tax on non-alcoholic drinks, such as soft drinks and fruit juices, will go up from 1 January 2024. The tax will increase to €26.13 per hectolitre (100 litres). Read more

Food producers can put a Nutri-Score as a food choice logo on their products. This indicates how healthy a product is compared to similar products. Read more


Employers who hire highly skilled migrant can no longer provide unlimited tax-free reimbursement for the extra costs your employee makes as a result of their moving to the Netherlands. Read more

There will be a statutory minimum hourly wage. The implementation of the hourly minimum wage ensures that working more hours always leads to a higher income. Read more

Starting your business

Do you get ownership of a business through inheritance or gifting? Soon, the BOR and DSR may only be used for business assets. From 1 January 2024 capital from rental of real estate no longer counts. Read more

Questions relating to this article?

Please contact the Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO