Prinsjesdag 2024 - Budget Day in the Netherlands

What are the government's plans for 2025?

Published by:
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO
Modified: 23 Jul 2024 | 13:45
< 1 min read
Nederlandse versie

The Dutch government will announce its plans for 2025 on Prinsjesdag, on 17 September 2024.

This page is an English-language overview of all the Prinsjesdag plans that may affect you as a business owner. No matter if you are a self-employed professional, an SME owner, or another type of entrepreneur.

About Prinsjesdag

The third Tuesday in September is traditionally known as Prinsjesdag in the Netherlands. On Prinsjesdag, or Budget Day as it is called abroad, King Willem-Alexander gives the Speech from the Throne. This speech sums up the state of the nation, and outlines the government plans for the coming year. After the Speech, the Minister of Finance presents the chair of the House of Representatives with the National Budget (Rijksbegroting) and the Budget Memorandum (Miljoenennota). These documents describe how government is going to execute its plans, and how much budget is allotted to each plan.

Find the official Prinsjesdag 2023 documents on (in Dutch). More information about Prinsjesdag is available on

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Please contact the Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO