The Dutch Soil Quality Decree (Besluit bodemkwaliteit) imposes conditions on the use of soil, dredging spoil and building materials on or in the ground or in surface water. Do you plan to apply soil, dredging spoil or building materials on or in the soil or surface water? You must report this. Where and when you must report this depends on the use. In many cases, you must report to the Soil Quality Reporting Centre (Meldpunt bodemkwaliteit, Rijkswaterstaat Environment).

Environmental health statement and delivery note

You must demonstrate the quality of building materials, soil and dredging spoil with an environmental health statement (milieuhygiënische verklaring, in Dutch). For building materials, you must also have a delivery note (afleverbon, in Dutch). You keep these documents for 5 years.

Please note: The technical requirements imposed by the Netherlands as regards building materials, soil and dredging spoil differ from those of other EU Member States. If building materials, soil and dredging spoil are already permitted in another EU Member State, the Dutch government may only prohibit their sale in the Netherlands in exceptional cases.

Polluted soil and dredge spoil

Do you want your business to process polluted soil and dredge spoil? You have to work according to a quality system and you must meet requirements (in Dutch) with regard to technology, training and experience. You can demonstrate compliance with the quality requirements with a certificate (in Dutch). Soil and dredge spoil processing companies must notify new locations or changes to locations to Bodem+, part of Rijkswaterstaat Environment (in Dutch).

Depositing non-dangerous dredge spoil on land

If you want to deposit non-dangerous dredge spoil on land, you need a permit from the provincial authorities. In the permit, the provincial authorities will specify the environmental protection measures you have to take. You are not allowed to deposit dangerous dredge spoil at a dredge spoil dump on land.

Online procedure via Message Box

You can notify your intention to use soil, dredge spoil or building materials to Rijkswaterstaat Environment online via Message Box. Message Box is a secure e-mail system that enables you as an entrepreneur to exchange digital messages with Dutch government agencies.