eIDAS: electronic identification in the EU

Published by:
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO

Do you do business cross-border and do you need to login to a government organisation? Are you established outside of the Netherlands and do you need to arrange matters with a Dutch government organisation? Government organisations in the European Economical Area (EEA) have to offer citizens, entrepreneurs, and organisations the option to log in to their services using an EU approved national eID scheme.

About eIDAS

As a result of the European Electronic Identities and Trust Services (eIDAS) regulation businesses and public authorities can carry out secure cross-border transactions. This encourages businesses to expand their business across Europe by:

  • ensuring access of national eID schemes to online public services across Europe
  • ensuring national eID schemes have the same legal status across the Europe

Before a national eID scheme can be used it must be approved by the EU. If it is approved, the national eID can be used to access government services, or private services with a public task, in another member state of the European Economic Area (EEA).

Login tools for the Netherlands

Dutch eIDs that allow you to log in in Europe are:

Find out more about applying for eHerkenning.

Who must comply with eIDAS?

Organsiations are required to allow European citizens and business to log in using their national eID if:

  • they are service provider with a public task, such as a government body, pension fund, or insurance company
  • they are established in the Netherlands and already allow businesses and citizens to log into their systems through eHerkenning or DigiD

The organisation is responsible for implementing eIDAS into their systems (in Dutch).

Doing business online with EU government organisations

Do you need to make arrangements online for your business with a government organisation in another EEA country? You can do so with a European recognised login scheme. For the Netherlands this is eHerkenning. There are different levels of assurance for eHerkenning. To arrange business in another European country, you need level EH3 or higher. Your eHerkenning supplier makes sure that your eHerkenning key works for organisations in other EEA countries.

European login

To arrange matters abroad online, you must first have your eID made suitable for cross-border use. Then you visit the website of the government organisation in the country you need to make arrangements. Via the European login button you can indicate your country of origin and you will get instructions on how to log in.

If you need more information or help on a national eID, please contact the helpdesk of the eID supplier of that country. For the Netherlands this is the eHerkenning helpdesk.

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