Environment and planning permit for advertising on your premises

Published by:
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO

Do you want to advertise on your premises? With a billboard, for example? If so, you usually need an environment and planning permit.

If you want to advertise on your business premise with, for example:

  • a billboard
  • lettering on a window
  • an illuminated sign

In most cases, you will need an environment and planning permit. Sometimes you only need to file a notification. Check with your municipality what rules apply (in Dutch).

Is your building in a protected location? Along a motorway or in a nature reserve, for example? Then you may need a permit. The permit may include specific rules from the municipality, province, regional water authority, or national government. This depends on the owner of the location.

Check if you need an environment and planning permit and apply

Go to the online service counter Omgevingsloket (in Dutch) to check if you need an environment and planning permit (omgevingsvergunning). In the Omgevingsloket you can see which rules apply. You can then use the Omgevingsloket to apply directly online for an environment and planning permit or submit a notification.

Please note that rules from the General Municipal By-law (Algemene Plaatselijke Verordening, APV) may also be applicable.

In your application, you must state, among other things:

  • why you want to place advertising;
  • the type of advertising object;
  • the size of the advertising object;
  • where you want to place the advertising.

The municipality will decide within 8 weeks whether to grant you an environment and planning permit. Is your building a listed monument? Then the monuments committee will assess your application.

Do you disagree with the decision?

Has your application for an environment and planning permit been refused so you will not receive a permit, and do you disagree with this? Then you can object to the decision. You must do so within 6 weeks. Do you also disagree with that decision? Then you can appeal within 6 weeks.

Taxes on advertising

In some municipalities you will also need to pay tax on advertising:

  • You pay advertising tax on advertising that is visible in public places, such as billboards or illuminated signs.
  • You pay tax on encroachments on or above public land (precario) on advertising on or above municipal property. Some municipalities include this tax in the cost of the environment and planning permit.

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