Maternity allowance for self-employed professionals (ZEZ)
Are you a freelancer/self-employed professional based in the Netherlands and pregnant? You are entitled to an allowance during pregnancy or after childbirth under the Maternity Benefit Scheme for the Self-Employed (Zelfstandig en Zwangerregeling, ZEZ).
Applying for the ZEZ maternity benefit
You can apply online for the ZEZ maternity pay to the Employee Insurance Agency (Uitvoeringsinstituut Werknemersverzekeringen, UWV). UWV recommends you apply 4 weeks before your maternity leave. You can apply 2 weeks before your leave at the latest. If you apply later, you will also get your benefit later. You may even get less benefit.
When do you qualify for ZEZ maternity pay?
You can apply for the maternity allowance if you are a self-employed professional, with or without employees. You are self-employed if you:
- are a self-employed business owner
- work for your self-employed spouse or partner
- are an independent professional freelancer, for example an artist, general practitioner, or domestic help
- are self-employed but you also work aside at a company
To qualify for the ZEZ, you must be self-employed at least 1 day before the start date of your maternity allowance.
Amount of maternity pay
UWV looks at your income in the previous calendar to calculate your ZEZ benefit. The benefit includes 8% holiday allowance. The maximum amount of the ZEZ allowance will not exceed the statutory gross minimum wage.
- Did you work at least 1.225 hours in the previous year? You will receive the maximum pay: 100% of the statutory gross minimum wage.
- Did you work less than 1.225 hours? The amount of your allowance will depend on your profits and income in the previous year. If you work at your partner’s company, the amount of the benefit will be based on your share of the company’s profits.
- Did you start as a self-employed or independent professional in the same year you apply for the ZEZ pay? Then UWV will look at your profits or income for the days you were self-employed before your leave.
Duration of the ZEZ Benefit
The ZEZ benefit is for a minimum period of 16 weeks. You receive the benefit during and after your pregnancy.
- in general the ZEZ benefit will start 6 weeks before your due date
- you can choose to have the ZEZ pay start later, but no later than 4 weeks before your due date
- you are entitled to a minimum of 10 weeks ZEZ pay once the baby is born
Are you expecting twins or multiples? This gives you the right to 20 weeks of pregnancy leave.
- in general the ZEZ benefit will start 10 weeks before your due date
- you can choose to have the ZEZ pay start later, but no later than 8 weeks before your due date
- you are entitled to a minimum of 10 weeks of ZEZ benefit once the baby is born