Privacy code of conduct for detective agencies

Published by:
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO
< 1 min read
Nederlandse versie

Do you run a detective agency? You are required to follow the Privacy Code of Conduct for Private Detective Agencies (Privacygedragscode particuliere onderzoeksbureaus, in Dutch). This code of conduct has been approved by the Dutch DPA (Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens) and applies to all detective agencies in the Netherlands.

What is the Privacy Code of Conduct?

This Code of Conduct lays down standards for the performance of private investigations. Part of this Code of Conduct is the requirement to inform the subject of your investigation that their personal data is being processed and why it is being processed. The Code sets out how you should carry out your research and how to treat personal data. It includes rules about:

  • acceptable aims for collecting data
  • how long to store data
  • security of data
  • informing the person you are investigating
  • the rights of the person you are investigating.

The Privacy Code of Conduct is also included as an appendix to the Private Security Firm and Detective Agency Regulations (Regeling particuliere beveiligingsorganisaties en recherchebureaus, in Dutch).

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