Rules for protected animals shelters
Published by:
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO
2 min read
For which animals do you need permission to shelter
You need permission to shelter:
- protected native animal species: protected animals that occur naturally in the Netherlands, such as hedgehogs, deer, hares, or blackbirds
- marine mammals, such as seals, porpoises, and dolphins
- protected exotic animal species: protected animals that are not native to the Netherlands, such as parakeets or snakes
- invasive exotic animal species: animals that are not native to the Netherlands and pose a threat to Dutch nature, such as, red-eared sliders or raccoons
You can use the species database (in Dutch) of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food Security and Nature (LVVN) to check if an animal is protected. And to check if the animal is on the list of invasive exotic species (in Dutch).
Requirements for animal shelters
You can only apply for permission if you meet the following conditions:
- Your shelter is a foundation or association.
- You must keep a register of every animal or group of animals in your care. You must include specific information in your register (in Dutch), such as the scientific species name, date of acquisition or birth, origin and destination, gender, the animal’s identification number (such as tattoo, chip or ring number), and a description of its special external characteristics.
- Do you shelter marine mammals or exotic animal species? Then your shelter must comply with the rules in the Annex to the Policy Regulations on the Quality of Sheltering Animals (in Dutch). These rules include rules about food, hygiene, and registration.
- Do you also shelter invasive exotic species? Then your shelter must also comply with the rules in the Annex to the Policy Regulations on the Quality of sheltering invasive exotic animal species (in Dutch). These rules include rules about food, hygiene, and registration. You must also ensure that these invasive exotic species do not return to the wild.
Read the conditions (in Dutch) for sheltering exotic animal species, invasive exotic species and marine mammals. For more information on sheltering native protected animals or on sheltering other animal species, contact your province (in Dutch)
Where to apply for permission?
Where you apply for permission depends on the type of animal you are sheltering:
- For native animal species, and for common and grey seals, you apply for permission to your province. You can do this via the Omgevingsloket (in Dutch). If the province gives permission, you will get an environment and planning permit (omgevingsvergunning) for sheltering animals. This is called an environment and planning permit for flora and fauna activities.
- For exotic animal species, invasive exotic species, and marine mammals (except common and grey seals), you apply for permission to the Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO. RVO will give this permission in the form of a situation-specific regulation (maatwerkvoorschrift) for sheltering the animals.
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External links
- Overview of shelters for animals and invasive exotic species (RVO, in Dutch)
- Working with protected plants and animals (RVO, in Dutch)
- Protected Animals List (Government of the Netherlands, in Dutch)
- EU invasive alien species (European Commission)
- Environmental Activities Decree (, in Dutch)
- Environmental regulations (, in Dutch)
- Policy rule on quality of reception of animal species (, in Dutch)
- Policy rule on reception quality of invasive exotic animal species (, in Dutch)