Radiation physicians

Published by:
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO
Checked 14 Feb 2023
1 min read
Nederlandse versie

Do you want to work as a radiation physician in the Netherlands? You must have certain diplomas to your name. You must also remain up to date with professional knowledge by following continuing education courses and supplementary medical studies. In addition, you must register:

Foreign diploma

If you have an international qualification as a radiation physician and want to work in the Netherlands, you will need to register as well. Radiation physician is a regulated profession in the Netherlands. Your education and experience must be sufficiently comparable to the requirements imposed on the profession in the Netherlands. Moreover, you must have a good command of the Dutch language.

If you are a recognised radiation physician in another EU country and you are an EU citizen, you may apply for recognition of your diploma and qualifications to CIBG. You can then complete your registration in the register of radiation physicians. If you have worked and obtained your diploma outside of the EU, CIBG must first assess your medical diplomas. For more information, consult the CIBG website.

If you want to work temporarily or occasionally in the Netherlands as a radiation physician, you will need to report as a service provider to the register of medial specialists (in Dutch). You can dosso if the EU Directive on recognition of professional qualifications applies in your situation.