Do you want to use a radiotelephone or handheld transceiver network? Then you need a licence from the Dutch Authority for Digital Infrastructure (Rijksinspectie Digitale Infrastructuur, RDI). This also applies to the use of specific frequencies when you rent radiotelephones and handheld transceivers temporarily.

Using handheld transceivers without a licence

You do not require a licence for standard PMR446 (Personal Mobile Radio, 446MHz) frequencies. These are used mostly for short range devices (remote control, wi-fi). If you use these frequencies there is a higher chance of interference and outages. This is a risk you should take into account if you want to use radiotelephones or handheld transceivers for critical processes, such as company emergency response measures.

Radiotelephones and handheld transceivers for business

Do you use radiotelephones or handheld transceivers for your business? For example in taxi’s, a dental practice, or for a transport or construction company? In general, you will use a private network for these purposes. You have to apply to RDI for a licence for use of private radiotelephone and handheld transceiver networks (Aanvraagformulier vergunning besloten mobilofoon- of portofoonnetwerk, in Dutch). You can choose between a licence for nationwide use or for a fixed frequency in a certain area. The licence is valid for 5 years. The one-off fee for a licence and the annual fee for monitoring (in Dutch) are determined each year.

Temporary handheld transceiver/radiotelephone use licence (PMT)

If you rent radiotelephones or handheld transceivers temporarily, the rental company can apply for a PMT licence (Portofoons/Mobilofoons Tijdelijk gebruik) on your behalf. This allows you to use the allocated frequencies on the specified location for up to 2 weeks.

Do you want to use radiotelephones or handheld transceivers more often for short periods of time at different locations? Then you can apply for the licence yourself. As PMT licence holder, you must keep a register with information about the use of the frequencies.