Register for persons active in the childcare sector (PRK)

Published by:
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO

Do you work in or are you involved in the childcare sector? Are you regularly present at a childcare location, or doyou share an accommodation with a registered childminder? You have to be registered in the register for persons active in the childcare sector (Personenregister kinderopvang, PRK, in Dutch).

Register for persons active in the childcare sector (PRK)

The register contains information on all persons active in the childcare sector. The data in the register enables continual screening of childcare professionals (in Dutch). This helps ensure that childcare remains safe and of high quality. The childcare sector includes crèches, childminders, toddler's play groups, out-of-school childcare, and childminding agencies.

Who must register?

You must register as a person active in the childcare sector if you are:

  • the owner or a board member of a childcare centre
  • a childminder or their adult housemate
  • a temporary or permanent employee of a childcare centre
  • administrative personnel with access to the children’s personal details
  • temping staff, trainee, volunteer, or self-employed staff of a childcare centre
  • living at the childcare premises
  • frequently present at childcare premises (such as cleaners, gardeners, etc.)

How to register?

You register with DUO (Education Executive Agency, in Dutch) using your DigiD. You need a valid Certificate of conduct (Verklaring omtrent het gedrag, VOG) with screening profile 84 (zorg voor minderjarigen) and/or function aspect 86 (kinderopvang). If you have any questions on your registration, you can contact DUO (in Dutch).

Did you complete your registration in the PRK? You need to be linked to your childcare agency. This is done by the agency. Childcare organisations do not need to keep a physical VOG of their registered employees in their administration.

Are you a self-employed professional in the childcare sector? Then you must link your registration yourself (in Dutch).

Changes in registration

If you change agencies or if your role changes, you do not need to re-register. The childcare agency must instead update your registration. You do not need to apply for a new VOG.

Childminding in parental home

Are you a childminder working in people’s homes? You also need to register in the PRK. The parents, or other people that may be present during the hours you work there, do not need to register. That is the parents’ responsibility.