Requirements for childminding agency mediators

Published by:
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO
1 min read

Do you work as a childcare mediator (bemiddelingsmedewerker) for a childminding agency? You have to meet the qualification requirements for childcare mediators. These requirements have been set up in accordance with the Childcare Collective Labour Agreement (cao Kinderopvang, in Dutch). You must at least have a pedagogical certificate.

What is a childcare mediator?

A childcare mediator (in Dutch) is the link between parents and childminders.

Their tasks include the following:

  • recruiting childminders
  • carrying out intake interviews with childminders and parents
  • supervising the childminder on a pedagogic level
  • supervising safety and health
  • visiting the childminding address

In the Netherlands, childminding agencies must ensure every childminder receives at least 16 hours of supervision and mediation.

Childcare mediator qualification requirements

As a childcare mediator you must have certain qualifications and skills (in Dutch). You need at least a secondary vocational education and training level 3 (MBO-3) certificate as a pedagogical child carer.

If you have a certificate from an EEA country or Switzerland you need to apply for recognition of your diploma with the Education Executive Agency (Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs, DUO).

If you have a certificate from a non-EU country, your qualifications must first be evaluated by the Information centre for credential evaluation (Internationale diplomawaardering, IDW). The owner of a childcare organisation can help with this and apply for your declaration of equivalence (in Dutch). Application is subject to a fee. As childcare mediator is a regulated profession, you must apply for a certificate of professional competence. For more information contact DUO.

You can verify with the Diplomacheck (in Dutch) whether your diploma meets the qualification requirements for childcare mediator.

For more information please contact sector organisation FCB Labour Market Issues Services Foundation (in Dutch).

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