Registration in National Childcare Register (LRK)

Published by:
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO
Checked 21 May 2024
2 min read
Nederlandse versie

Do you want to set up a childcare organisationin the Netherlands? You must register your organisation with the National Childcare Register (Landelijk Register Kinderopvang, LRK).

Find out more or arrange now

at your municipality, province, or water authority

You must submit an application for this registration at least 10 weeks before opening your business. You can only start childcare once your organisation is registered in the LRK.

What is the register for?

The National Childcare Register LRK lists childcare facilities (in Dutch) that have been checked and approved by the municipalities and municipal health services (GGD). It includes the following types of facilities:

  • childcare centres
  • out-of-school care centres (BSO)
  • childminding agencies
  • childminders
  • parent participation childcare centres (ouderparticipatiecrèches, opc)

The register is open to the public. It contains information about the location of the childcare facility, the number of places available, inspection reports and any warnings or penalties it has received. Information about childcare facilities that have closed will remain in the register for a certain amount of time.

Every facility in the register will receive its own unique code (LRK-code). Parents need this code in order to apply for childcare benefit.

How to register in the LRK?

You need to apply for permission to open your childcare facility with your local municipality 10 weeks before you intend to start. You should send the application form together with other necessary documents to the municipality where you want to start your facility. These documents include:

You, your (co)directors, and your staff must be listed in the Register for persons active in the childcare sector (PRK). This also applies to persons who are regularly present at your childcare location. Your staff also need a certificate of conduct. Separate forms are available for different types of childcare facilities (see below). New childminders and/or locations must always be registered by your agency.

Registration forms

For registration, please select the appropriate form below to suit your type of childcare organisation and apply at least 10 weeks prior to opening your childcare facility. Please note: All forms are in Dutch.

If you start a childminding agency, you must not only register your agency, but also your childminders, substitute childminders, as well as their locations.

After your application

A Municipal Health Authority (GGD) inspector (in Dutch) will assess whether your organisation meets all the requirements. Strict rules apply to childcare facilities. You must notify the municipal authority immediately of any changes of information and details regarding your registration.

Multiple branches, change of location, or franchising

If you have multiple branches, you must register each branch in the LRK. If you change your location, you submit a new registration for this new location. In case of a franchise, the franchisee must register as the owner. The franchisor is not included in the LRK.

Do you run a childminding agency with several facilities? You must register them all. You submit a new application for each (new) childcare facility.

Foreign childcare register

The foreign childcare register (in Dutch) lists foreign organisations that meet the Dutch rules around childcare. Do you run a childcare facility in an EU Member State, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein or Switzerland? And do you care for Dutch children? The parents may be entitled to childcare benefit from the Netherlands. This is only the case if your organisation meets the official standards and is registered in the foreign childcare register.

Online application procedure via Message Box

You can submit the application to register your childcare organisation also online via Message Box. Message Box is a secure e-mail system that enables you as an entrepreneur to exchange digital messages with Dutch government agencies.

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