Registration telecom and mail delivery companies

Published by:
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO
Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO

Do you have a telecom company or are you a postal operator? Mail delivery and telecom companies must register with the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (Autoriteit Consument en Markt, ACM). You are then included in a public register which contains all companies active in mail or telecommunication services in the Netherlands.

How to register

To register with the ACM as a postal operator you need to choose if you want to register as a mail carrier or a parcel carrier (in Dutch). If you perform both services, you have to complete both registrations.

Do you have a telecom company? Then you register as a telecom provider with the ACM (in Dutch). You need to use the registration form and provide a detailed description of the services you will be offering.

Registration is free of charge.

Notification of changes

If anything changes after registration, you must report it to ACM immediately via email.

If you are closing down your business or transferring your activities, you must notify ACM as well. You can use the Dutch-language form for deregistering a mail delivery company as well as a telecom company. For telecom providers a form in English is also available (pdf).

Reporting rates and turnover

You must report your net turnover from 2 years earlier. The ACM will send you a reminder to report your turnover before 31 December each year. This applies to telecom providers as well as mail delivery companies. Are you a parcel carrier? Then you must also report the number of parcels processed. You must also report the rates for sending mail and parcels abroad.

Note that parcel carriers must also report their turnover and other data each year before 30 June. ACM will send a questionnaire for that purpose.

Postal secrecy and complaints

Mail delivery companies must respect the right to secrecy of correspondence. This means that they must handle mail from sender to receiver safely. as well as have a proper complaints procedure.

Every mail and telecom company must have a proper complaints procedure.

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