Do you want to work as a translator or interpreter for a government agency in the Netherlands? You must be sworn in and registered in the Register of Sworn Interpreters and Translators (Rbtv, in Dutch) to translate for, among others:

  • the courts of law
  • the police
  • the Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND)
  • the Royal Netherlands Marechaussee
  • the Public Prosecution Service

Registering as a translator or interpreter

Do you want to be sworn in as a translator or interpreter? You must first apply to Bureau Wbtv (Bureau Wet Beëdigde Tolken en Vertalers, in Dutch) to be included in the Register. You must meet the conditions on your professional qualifications, work experience, and integrity (in Dutch), based on the language level you wish to register for (C1 or B2). You need a valid certificate of conduct (Verklaring omtrent het gedrag, VOG) to apply. And you need to pay an administrative fee to complete your application and receive a certificate of registration.

Your registration is valid for 5 years. After 5 years, you need to apply to extend your registration with Bureau Wbtv (in Dutch). You must demonstrate you have met the training requirements (permanente educatie, in Dutch) for extension.

Becoming a sworn translator or interpreter

With your certificate of registration in the Rbtv you can submit a request to be sworn at the district court for your place of residence (in Dutch). After taking the oath you will receive written proof (akte van beëdiging). You must send a copy of this to Bureau Wbtv to complete the registration process.

Foreign translators and interpreters

Do you have a foreign diploma and do you want to become a sworn interpreter or translator in the Netherlands? You can apply for recognition of your diploma to IDW. You have to submit the recognition with your application to Bureau Wbtv. If you have lived in the Netherlands for less than 5 years, you also need an integrity statement from your country of origin, equivalent to the Dutch certificate of conduct.

Online registration procedure via Message Box

You can also submit a request to be registered in the RBTV online via Message Box. Message Box is a secure email system that enables you as entrepreneur to exchange digital messages with Dutch government agencies.

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