Rules and regulations for all entrepreneurs
For most activities in the physical environment (in Dutch), you must make a notification or apply for an environment and planning permit. For example, you apply for an environment and planning permit...
There are 2 categories of business accommodation you can lease in the Netherlands: small-firm business accommodation and other business accommodation. Each category has its own rules. Small-firm...
The information in this article may change after 1 January 2024 Some of the information on this page may change after the Environment and Planning Act comes into effect on 1 January 2024. It will be...
Do you have a commercial building, such as a shop or a catering establishment? You will have to comply with the rules in the General Municipal By-Law. The General Municipal By-Law (Algemene...
Are you going to build, renovate, or demolish? If so, you must comply with the rules in the Decree on construction works in the living environment (Besluit bouwwerken leefomgeving, Bbl). And with the...
What is in the environment plan? Every municipality has 1 environment plan (omgevingsplan) that incorporates the rules from the zoning plans (bestemmingsplannen), the General Municipal By-law...