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Running your business
Business location
Business location and surroundings
- All-in-one permit for environmental regulations for businesses
- Applying for a sewer connection
- Applying for an environment and planning permit
- Applying for an event licence
- Environment and planning permit for advertising on your premises
- Environment and planning permit: advertising on a public road
- Environment and planning permit: construction of entry or exit road
- Environment and planning permit: felling trees
- Environment and planning permit: for temporarily placing an object on a public road
- Environment and planning permit: water activities
- Establishing a Business Improvement District (BIZ)
- Felling trees outside built-up areas
- Inspections by government organisations
- Mandatory charging stations on company car parks
- Noise regulations
- Parking
- Permit for closing a public road
- Permit for work in areas with scenic or cultural-historic value
- Public order and safety (General Municipal By-law)
- Regional water authority by-law
- Soil contamination
- Requesting compensation for loss resulting from government acts
- Supplying up to 100 kW heat
- Taking energy-saving measures
- Using a loudspeaker van or advertising vehicle