Regional Development Agencies (ROMs)

Published by:
Netherlands Chamber of Commerce, KVK
Netherlands Chamber of Commerce, KVK

Regional Development Agencies, or Regionale Ontwikkelingsmaatschappijen (ROMs), are committed to stimulating the economy in their region. There are 9 ROMs in the Netherlands, collaborating in the ROM Nederland platform. See what these agencies can do for your business.

Regional focus

Every province has a Regional Development Agency (ROM). These ROMs aim to strengthen the regional and local economy.

ROM Nederland, the umbrella organisation for these ROMs, gives the following definition of a ROM: "A regional development agency is a corporation with public shareholders, whose aim is to strengthen a region’s economy and bolster employment. As a ROM, we are a neutral player in a region and have no profit motive."

Regional Development Agencies were once set up to solve a region's economic disadvantage. Today, they help businesses, whether they are local or international, find funding and employees, and build up a business network, etc. By organising events and setting up meetings, the ROMs help you find contacts with investors for your innovative product or service, with logistics operators, or other kinds of contacts you might need.

The ROMs focus on regional strengths. For instance, the province of Limburg is situated ideally for trade and logistics, as it borders on Belgium, Germany, and Luxembourg. Noord-Brabant is home to one of the most innovative tech campuses in Europe, the High Tech Campus Eindhoven. And so every region has several focal points and strengths.

But the ROMs do more than promote growth. They also provide support in times of economic adversity.

How ROMs work

The Regional Development Agencies receive an annual budget. They primarily invest this money in funding innovative, fast-growing regional businesses in venture capital funds, and the development or rezoning of industrial estates and business parks.

They provide venture capital to business owners, sometimes in exchange for equity ownership.

ROMs per province

The Brabant Development Agency BOM builds bridges between entrepreneurs, knowledge institutes, and the authorities. BOM helps innovative businesses accelerate their growth, and helps startups apply for funding.

Horizon is the ROM for the province of Flevoland. Their aim is to create an environment that fosters long-term and sustainable international economic growth for Flevoland.

Impuls Zeeland is the ROM for the province of Zeeland. They offer quick access to everything so you can excel as an entrepreneur in Zeeland, such as market information, business support, and the right contacts.

Innovation Quarter is the Regional Development Agency, or ROM, for the province of Zuid-Holland. Their mission is to strengthen the regional economic structure by stimulating the innovation potential of this unique delta region.

ROM InWest (in Dutch) stimulates an innovative and strong entrepreneurial climate in the province of North Holland. Together with her partners, ROM InWest supports innovative businesses and promotes the acceleration of the energy transition and the transition towards a circular economy.

LIOF is the Regional Development Agency for the province of Limburg. LIOF helps small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) with innovative ideas, business plans, and financing requests. Their purpose is to develop this province’s economy and its business climate.

NOM, the Investerings- en ontwikkelingsmaatschappij voor Noord-Nederland, is the Regional Development Agency for the 3 northern provinces Groningen, Friesland, and Drenthe. The NOM’s objective is to stimulate the economy and employment in the Northern Netherlands.

OOST NL offers several programmes for innovative businesses in the provinces Overijssel and Gelderland per sector: Agro-Food, creative industry, Cleantech and Energy, High Tech, Life Sciences, Logistics and Manufacturing. The services on offer include access to networks, growth advice, internationalisation help, and access to laboratories.

ROM Utrecht Region is the ROM for the province of Utrecht. They assist international companies to set up and grow in this globally competitive destination for business in the heart of the Netherlands.

More success with your financing application

When you go looking for finance, make sure to look closely at the required criteria. Use the financing flowchart to select an alternative form of financing that fits your situation.

Help with financing

Getting help increases your chances of financing. With the right adviser and a good financial basis, a 'yes' to your financing application is within easy reach. These advisers will help you on your way.

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